Monday, 4 March 2013

World's Largest Wheel Loader - LeTourneau L-2350

World's Largest Wheel Loader - LeTourneau L-2350
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 The L-2350 loader from LeTourneau Inc. holds the Guinness World Record for Biggest Earth Mover. Designed to center-load haul trucks with capacities of up to 400 tons, the L-2350 provides an operating payload of 160,000 pounds, a 24-foot lift height, and an 11.5-foot reach.

Asarco's open-pit Ray Mine in Arizona is so rich in copper that water sprayed on its dirt roads to keep down the dust instantly turns green as the ore oxidizes. If you stand at the bottom of the mine, which covers more than 50,000 acres, and look up at its high, tiered walls, you travel back in time to the top shelf, where the first cuts were made a generation ago by men with picks and shovels. Here at the bottom, though, the world's largest wheel loader--the LeTourneau L-2350--gulps 75 tons in a single bite.
 World's Largest Wheel Loader - LeTourneau L-2350

World's Largest Wheel Loader - LeTourneau L-2350

World's Largest Wheel Loader - LeTourneau L-2350

World's Largest Wheel Loader - LeTourneau L-2350 If you like our pictures then PLEASE HELP US and SHARE it with your friends with the BUTTONS ABOVE. Thank You!!!


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